Friday, January 30, 2015

5 Hindrances to Prayer

But your iniquities have separated you
from your God; And your sins have hidden
His face from you, So that He will not hear.

Isaiah 59:2

Prayer is fundamental for a Christian. Along with Bible reading, fellowship, and evangelism, it lies at the core of the spiritual life. And, yet, it is a challenge. Our times of prayer can seem few and frustrating. Why is that?

Today I want to offer a few quick answers to that question. See if you agree with my list of the top 5 hindrances to prayer…

#1. Sin          

This hindrance is the biggie. All other hindrances are outgrowths of this one.

The concept of ‘sin’ is difficult to define in a single phrase or sentence. One might come close by defining it this way: “Sin is any attitude or action which is contrary to the character of God.” But ‘sin’ is more than an act or attitude. It is also a state or condition in which we find ourselves, and it is a nature we possess.

Perhaps describing sin would be helpful. The Bible teaches that sin is: missing the mark of God’s standard (Mt. 1:21); breaking God’s law (Rom. 2:23); disobedience to God (1 Sam. 28:18); rebellion against God (Isa. 59:13); lawlessness (1 John 3:4); unrighteousness (Rom. 3:5); godlessness (Rom. 1:18); wickedness (Eze. 28:15); going astray (Isa. 53:6); iniquity (Psa. 51:2); evil (Hab. 1:13); falling short of God’s glory (Rom. 3:23); pride (1 Timothy 3:6-7); and living independently of God (Gen 3:5; Jdg. 21:25).

Ouch, that’s a lot.

So, sin is repudiation of God and promotion of self. And, if that’s the case, wow, are we in trouble! It causes one to wonder how we can ever hope to be heard by God. We all fall short.

Fortunately, we believers have not been left in that condition. In Christ we were freed from our state of sin – “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” (Romans 5:21). That’s a relief from a positional standpoint, and it is on that basis we gained a judicial right to enter God’s throne room. Then, in terms of our attitudes and actions, we have the promise that God forgives us of all sin and grants us cleansing as we confess them – “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9). And that’s a relief from a relational standpoint, and it is on that basis that we are bold to enter into God’s throne room.

But the obvious observation concerning the things discussed above is that we must avail ourselves of Christ’s completed work. If we cling to the rebellion and self-centeredness of sin, we cannot commune with the Father in prayer.

#2.  Disobedience

Disobedience is a particular sort of sin, of course, so, this is really just a subset of the first hindrance. Still, it’s worth considering as a separate hindrance.

Disobedience, as I am thinking of it here, is not the unwitting violation of some command. It is the decision to do something that one knows is against the will of the Father. This is sometimes referred to as “the sin of the high hand.” This is the sort of thing a person considers, realizes is wrong to do, and then chooses to do anyway, thus raising a metaphorical hand toward heaven and saying, “I don’t give a rip about what You say or care about.”

This can happen in all sorts of contexts, but it is interesting to note that it is mentioned specifically as a hindrance when a Christian husband treats his wife poorly. When a Christian man, one who knows the commands of God to love His wife as Christ loved the Church, acts toward his wife in a shabby manner, he demeans the Almighty Who has commanded him to do otherwise. And the consequence, according to 1 Peter 3:7, is that his prayers will be hindered. And this is only reasonable. Why should one expect to enjoy friendly conversation with the One who has been dismissed and disrespected? Until that relationship has been restored, prayer has been hindered.

#3.  Unbelief

As the antithesis of faith, unbelief demeans the One the Christian asserts is Almighty and Utterly Good. It, too, is a subset of sin, but its focus is on the attitude, whereas the focus of disobedience is on the action.

Unbelief is doubt expressed inwardly concerning the very character of God. It is a refusal to accept as true His revelation of Himself. And it can manifest in a denial of any aspect of His nature: of His power, as though He were incapable of doing the good things requested; of His wisdom, as though He were unable to recognize the wisdom of granting requests; of His goodness, as if He would fail to act in a way that was ultimately and utterly good; and of His omniscience, as if He does not have enough information to wisely.

Ultimately, unbelief is doubt that God is God. It is a re-taking of the ‘reins of life.’ It is judging He Who is Other to be inadequate in one way or another.

And, if this is all true, how could this be anything but a hindrance? How we enjoy loving fellowship with Holy God when we are accusing Him of being other than He has revealed Himself to be? It is impossible. Our prayers will be hindered.

#4.  Greed

This, too, is a subset, and probably a subset of all of the above. It is a grasping for more, internally and externally expressed, which demonstrates a denial of God’s power to provide and His wisdom to provide that which is best.

Ultimately, I believe, greed expressed is a manifestation of anger toward God Almighty. Its expression is reminiscent of the Israelites misguided actions in the wilderness. “Not enough food,” they griped. “We want meat! No more of this tasteless bread from heaven!” How similar is must seem when Christians, who are enjoying daily the true Bread of Heaven, gripe that they do not have enough of this thing or that thing.

Christians who pray with greedy spirits demean the One they address as the “Giver of every good and perfect gift” and diminish His gift of “all the riches in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus.” Such ungrateful attitudes and greed, the demanding for more than the needs of life, must prove hindrances to prayer.

#5.  Laziness

This last hindrance is one I often note in my personal life and one which I suspect is prevalent among believers. It is, simply, laziness.

Occasionally, when Nicole and I counsel other couples, we encourage them to spend five to fifteen minutes each day in focused conversation with one another. It never fails to amaze me how difficult this assignment can prove. Fifteen minutes is a very short amount of time, and yet many couples have trouble carving out that much time for focused interaction. And, in such cases, is it any wonder that the relationships are struggling? What a difference from the seasons of courtship, when hours were not enough!

But why is it so hard to find the time to talk? Is it because there are fewer hours in the day? No, of course not. It is a matter of prioritization. If it matters, people find the time. Most of us find the time to watch a TV show or read a book. These couples can find the time to talk, and still they don’t. Why? Because it takes effort, and its not always ‘natural’ or ‘easy.’ Focused conversation is not like watching TV (which has been referred to as chewing gum for the brain). It requires concentrated effort, if it is to be done well.

How much more this is true of prayer! Communion with the Father is effortful, and those who wish to commune with God most seek Him with their whole hearts. That time must be prioritized, and the sinful, lazy urges of the flesh must be squelched.

Well, there it is: an off-the-top of my head list of 5 hindrances to prayer. Can you think of others? Are you letting these things hinder your prayers? If so, the promise is always the same. Come to God in faith, confess your sins, and He will restore Your communion with Him.

 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful
and just to forgive us our sins and
to cleanse us from all unrighteousness..”

1 John 1:9
-- Christian Pilet

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Addressing Islam

“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

Isaiah 55:11

In this week’s update, I had intended to continue last week’s discussion of Biblical success, but an e-mail message I received this morning caused me to change my mind. In that message, a family member asked for information about Islam, as a teen in the family is being taught about it in the public school. When I received that, I was reminded how pluralistic and relativistic the society in which we live is and of how important it is for us and our children to know what we believe, why we believe it, and how to interact appropriately with other faiths. Muslims are seeking converts (just as we are!), and we must prepare our children for the spiritual battles they will encounter in today’s world.

With that in mind, I’d like to offer the following discussion Islam. The facts included are a compilation but primarily come from Missions, Evangelism, Discipleship by Dennis Mock. At the end, a few thoughts are offered on how to interact with your Muslim neighbors and friends. I hope you find it useful.

Islam – Description:

Islam was founded around 600 A.D. by Mohammed, its chief prophet. The Muslim faith is a mixture of Arabic tradition, Jewish monotheism, and Christian asceticism (self-denial). Islam claims its roots in the patriarchal fathers of Judaism, especially Abraham. In Islam, Ishmael is the child of promise (the ‘chosen seed’), not Isaac; thus, Arabs are considered to be the true people of God, rather than the Jews. And the land of Canaan is their holy land.

Islam is primarily based on a claim of divine revelation given to Mohammed by God in the Koran. Thus, unlike most other “eastern” religions, Islam claims to be revealed. To the Muslim, the Koran presents the true teachings about God (Allah), Mohamed (his chief prophet), and Jesus Christ (another holy man and prophet).

Islam tends to be legalistic, ritualistic, militant, all-consuming, intensely zealous, and strongly “evangelistic” Every area of life for the Muslim is dominated by his faith, so there is no difference between social, political, military, or economic causes and religious causes. They are one and the same. It is an act of high honor and brings great spiritual reward for a Muslim to die in battle for Allah.

Similar to many cults, Islam is built on revelation in addition to and different from the Bible, a pivotal human leader, and a belief that Jesus Christ was not God.

Islam claims as many as 900 million adherents or about 20% of the world’s population.

Islam – Basic Beliefs:  God

“Allah” is believed to be the one true God and supreme being who is omnipotent, omniscient, and sovereign. He is also transcendent (being far above creation) and cannot be personally known by men. Both good and evil come from Allah, and he is more interested in justice and judgment than mercy and grace. He demands absolute unquestioned obedience.

The Trinity and deity of Christ are both rejected by Muslims. The message from Allah to men is not how to be saved but focuses rather on the penalty (hell) for disobeying Allah. While Allah is pictured as “Father,” it is not in keeping with the biblical picture of a living, caring, forgiving father, but of a stern authoritarian and disciplinarian who is mainly interested in obedience. In relating to God, man either lives in darkness or light based on obeying the Koran.           

Islam – Basic Beliefs:  Scriptures

The Koran is the book which has the true message from God and provides the basis for Muslim faith and practice. It is considered the supreme miracle of Islam, since it is believed to have fallen out of heaven into the hands of Mohammed. While Muslims recognize the Torah, the Psalms and the Gospels of Jesus, all of these are believed to have been corrupted and are thus superseded by the Koran, which is considered to be the “Word of God.”

Islam – Basic Beliefs:  Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is not God to Muslims, but is thought to have only been a man. He is one of six recognized prophets – Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed. Since Mohammed is the latest prophet, he is also considered the greatest of the prophets. Muslims view Jesus as a sinless prophet but deny both the incarnation and the resurrection. Christ’s crucifixion is viewed as a hoax or myth.

Islam – Basic Beliefs:  Salvation

According to Islam, man has no sin nature and only commits sin as he disobeys Allah. “Salvation” doesn’t relate to forgiveness of sins but to total obedience to Allah and the absolute surrender of one’s will to the will of Allah. In this way, each person is to acknowledge his or her pre-determined fate. Heaven (paradise) is for those who obey Allah and do his will while hell (torment) awaits those who disobey Allah. “Salvation,” then, is by works.

Islam – Basic Practices:

A person becomes a Muslim by declaring: “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah.” [“There is not god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.”] After that, the life of a Muslim is strictly controlled by the Koran and Islamic law. Muslims are required to accept the “Five Articles of Faith”:

  1. That Allah is the one true God.
  2. That angels are messengers, and the Holy Spirit is an angel.
  3. That the Koran is the supreme scripture.
  4. That Mohammed is the last and greatest prophet of Islam.
  5. That a final judgment day will come when those who obey Allah will go to heaven and those who don’t will go to hell.

In addition to the Five Articles of Faith, there are “Five Pillars” or required practices:

  1. Recite the Islamic creed.
  2. Recite prayers and praise to Allah five times a day while facing Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
  3. Give to the poor.
  4. Fast one month a year.
  5. Make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca in his lifetime.

Family and marriage are important to Muslims, but both polygamy and divorce are allowed. Women have few rights and are generally considered of little value in comparison to men. Self-denial of certain pleasures is considered spiritual. Muslims are sexually modest, and external righteousness is stressed. Evangelism and proselytizing by the sword are still condoned. All wars are “holy wars” for many Muslims.

The various sects of Islam include (but are not limited to): Shiites – who mix religion and politics, Sunnites – who separate religion and politics (following the custom of Mohammed), and Sufis – who focus on asceticism and self-denial

Islam – Basic Terms:

Terms to know include: “Allah” – meaning the God; “Islam” – meaning the submission of the will to Allah; and“Muslim” – meaning one who submits.

Islam – Evangelistic Approach:

Witnessing to Muslims can be done effectively. Here are a few thoughts to remember:

Witnessing to Muslims is not easy. Here are a few of the reasons why:
§         During the Crusades and at other times in history the Muslims have been abused and treated as less than human.
§         The West has dominated Muslim lands until recent years.
§         There has been little missionary outreach to Muslims over the years.
§         Muslims are well-versed in their beliefs and practices and extremely devoted.
§         The false Christian belief that Arabs are condemned by God (Isaac vs. Ishmael) has led to bitter animosity.
§         The Bible was not translated into Arabic by the early churches.

Hints in witnessing to Muslims:
§         Pray! Pray! Pray! Ask the Lord to send His Holy Spirit to prepare their hearts for His truth. Without Him, we can do nothing!
§         Show genuine concern and respect for them and their culture.
§         Build friendly relationships.
§         Be well-versed in Muslim belief and practice.
§         Be patient.
§         Share your personal testimony and how God has transformed your life. Focus on…
-        Knowing God personally
-        Redemption and forgiveness of sins
-        Salvation by faith, not by works
-        Assurance of salvation.
§         Build on the positive teachings about Christ in the Koran and His uniqueness. Expand on this picture by using the Bible.
§         Admit that the Koran and the Bible do not agree. Try to share what the Bible teaches about Christ.
§         Point out inconsistencies between Christianity and Islam and within the Koran itself.
§         Pray diligently for God to remove the spiritual  blindness!

Galatians 3-4 provide excellent background teaching and biblical perspective with respect to dealing with religions like Islam.

So, there it is… a brief overview of Islam and a few suggestions on how to witness to Muslims. This might be worth reviewing with your family.

 “Let your speech always be with grace,
seasoned with salt, that you may know
how you ought to answer each one.”

Colossians 4:6
-- Christian Pilet

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Defining Success -- v. 2.0

Success is simple.
Do what's right, the right way,
at the right time.

Someone once described an interview between a reporter and a bank president this way:

            Reporter:    “Sir, what is the secret of your success?”
            President:   “Two words.”

            Reporter:    “And, sir, what are they?”
            President:  “Right decisions.”

            Reporter:    “And how do you make right decisions?”
            President:  “One word.”

            Reporter:    “And, sir, what is that?”
            President:  “Experience.”

            Reporter:    “And how do you get experience?”
            President:  “Two words.”

            Reporter:    “And, sir, what are they?”
            President:  “Wrong decisions.”

Wow, that seems so true, that success only comes after many failures. But is there a way to circumvent all those failures? And would we recognize the method if we saw it?

In last Wednesday’s church update, I broached the subject of success. I asked what success is, how we would define it, and how we would know if we had achieved it. Then I offered my own definition of success (as I understand the Bible to define it). The definition I offered was:

Biblical success is a continually increasing conformity to the image of Jesus Christ. It is enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit, and it is marked by an ongoing pursuit of godliness and an ever-increasing manifestation of that pursuit in holiness of thought and action. It always achieves the glory of God the Father.

Later that day I asked Nicole whether she had read the update and what she thought of my definition. She said that she thought the definition was accurate but unhelpful. It offered an ideal, but a lofty and primarily theoretical ideal. Not to say, of course, that Christians are not to seek a continual conformity to the image of Jesus Christ, but simply to observe that the process of sanctification includes many ups and downs and few people, if any, can claim lifelong success.

Fair enough. In a sense, I agree. And with that in mind, I would like to offer today an alternative definition of success, one that I believe is consistent with the definition above and is simultaneously achievable and demonstrable in the present.

For this definition, I turn to the book of Proverbs. The book begins with an explanation of its purpose, to impart wisdom and instruction by which the simple may gain prudence and the young may gain discretion. In the first chapter, Solomon states that wisdom is knowable and understanding perceptible. He states that wisdom can be taught and received, and he creates a link between the reception of wisdom and one’s ability to live a successful life. Indeed, the underlying premise of the book of Proverbs is that a successful life may be built upon the reception of wisdom and the expression of it in one’s daily activities.

In Proverbs 2:5, Solomon states the purpose or goal of wisdom: discernment and understanding -- to understand the fear of the Lord and to find the knowledge of God. Using that as my starting point, I would like to suggest this new working definition for success:

Biblical success is understanding the fear of the Lord and manifesting that understanding in one’s daily thoughts and activities. The successful person is one whose pursuit of wisdom ends in reverence of Almighty God.

If this definition is a good one, then it would be wise to spend a moment thinking about Proverbs 2:5. This verse includes two parallel thoughts, one related to understanding the fear the Lord and the other related to finding the knowledge of God. This sort of literature often utilizes parallelism as a means of expanding, contrasting or emphasizing ideas, and I believe that, here, the second of these two phrases expounds the idea contained in the first phrase. Thus, one might say, the purpose of wisdom is to bring one to understand the fear of the Lord, that is, to attain the knowledge of God. In other words, a true knowledge of God will accompany the fear the Lord, and the fear of the Lord will accompany a true knowledge of God.

The Hebrew word translated here “understand” carries the ideas of discernment and perception, of observing, marking, and giving heed to. It is more than a mere intellectual knowledge, though it certainly includes that idea. It conveys the idea of recognizing and acting upon a fact. The word translated “fear” means precisely that – fear or terror -- and in respect to the Almighty God, communicates the ideas of respect, reverence, and piety.

So we see that the successful person is one who gives heed to the Lord as the Almighty, utterly holy, utterly righteous Judge of the universe. He or she is the one who recognizes that He, the Lord, is utterly unlike anyone else, in power and purity and preeminence.

The second phrase in this verse expands on the first and communicates that the successful person, by receiving and embracing wisdom, comes to an attainment or discernment of God’s character as He reveals Himself to be.

We could spend a great deal of time contextualizing this verse within the gospel message, and doubtless that would be a profitable pursuit, but today I think it is sufficient to recognize that the pursuit of wisdom that culminates in reverence for Almighty God is that which brings success.

I added to my definition above a quantifying or evaluative element: the manifestation of that fear in one’s daily thoughts and activities. It may have been redundant to do so. Is it possible that one should truly appreciate the Almighty and reverence Him and not manifest it? I doubt it is.

As I close, I ask myself whether this definition is helpful. Is this definition one by which I may evaluate my daily life? I believe it is. On a daily basis, at any given moment, I can pause and ask myself whether I am aware of Who He is and of who I am in relationship to Him. I can reflect on His character and ask myself whether the course of my thoughts and actions are consistent with one who calls Him Lord. To the extent that they are, to the extent that in the course of my day I manifest an awareness of His holiness and act accordingly, I can judge myself successful.

Do you agree? How would you define success? And how do you know if you have achieved it? Is there a way to circumvent all those failures?

 “Then you will understand the fear of the LORD,
And find the knowledge of God.”

Proverbs 2:5
-- Christian Pilet

Thursday, January 8, 2015


“Set your mind on things above,
not on things on the earth.”

Colossians 3:2

 I have a thirteen-year-old son who wants to be an NFL football player. That’s great. It’s good to dream big. And if he keeps dreaming and works really hard, it may just happen. Who knows?

But this got me wondering how many high school football players go on to play in college and then in the professional leagues. I went online and discovered that the NCAA has compiled statistics on this very topic. They go like this:

  • About 6.5 percent, or approximately one in 16, of all high school senior boys playing interscholastic football will go on to play football at a NCAA member institution.

  • Less than two in 100, or 1.6 percent, of NCAA senior football players will get drafted by a National Football League (NFL) team.

  • Eight in 10,000, or approximately 0.08 percent of high school senior boys playing interscholastic football will eventually be drafted by an NFL team. 

So, assuming he makes it onto a high school team, my son’s odds of making an NFL team are about one in a thousand. Okay then… it is extremely unlikely my son will ever make it into the NFL.

I suspect he would find this disheartening. For me, as his father, I admit it is a bit disheartening as well. I want my son to be happy and to feel that he has accomplished great things in his life. I want him to be successful. And, given how much he talks about it, I fear that he will feel that he has not succeeded if he does not make it into the NFL.

The reality of such statistics, however, has caused me to think more deeply about the idea of success. What is success? Can we define it? And will we know it if we achieve it?

If success is measured only by being ‘the best,’ it is clear that very few will ever be successful. Even those football players who make it into the NFL are still compared with others. Having beaten incredible statistical odds, they can still find themselves coming up short and being dismissed as failures. There is always someone who is better. And even if you are the best at one particular time, it is only a matter of time until someone better comes along.

The temptation then is to redefine what we mean by the word success. We may be tempted to say that success is only a matter of trying, and if one tries sincerely and zealously throughout his endeavor, he can consider himself successful. But this is clearly semantics and disingenuous. I don’t care how much a baker tries; if his pie tastes terrible, I will judge it a failure, and so should he. No, success must be more than sincere sustained effort.

But we needn’t wander. We Christians are blessed to have a God-given standard of success. We need not equivocate over the word. We can define it by a scriptural standard and then compare ourselves and our endeavors to determine whether or not we have attained or are attaining it.

But if that’s true, then why do Christians so often feel defeated and unsuccessful? Why do they wonder whether they are accomplishing what they ought to? Or wonder what it is exactly they ought to be accomplishing ? If the standard for success is clearly given in Scripture, why do we Christians so often live muddled lives?

I think the answer to those questions is twofold: First, some Christians do not know the God-given definition of success. It isn’t that God has not stated his definition; it is simply that some Christians have not heard it. Second, some Christians do not submit to the God-given definition of success. They know it, but they find it materially and temporally unsatisfying, and they choose a rival definition from the world.

So, today, I want to offer two things: a Biblical definition of success, and an encouragement to live your life in its pursuit.

So here we go…

I suggest this as a Biblical definition of success:

Biblical success for the Christian is a continually increasing conformity to the image of Jesus Christ. It is enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit, and it is marked by an ongoing pursuit of godliness and an ever-increasing manifestation of that pursuit in holiness of thought and action. It always achieves the glory of God the Father.

I will not attempt a full exposition of that rather verbose definition, but I think a few words of explanation may be helpful. First, success for the Christian in this life is a matter of engaging wholeheartedly in the process of sanctification. Clearly, sanctification is a work of God, begun and completed through the power the Holy Spirit, but that does not diminish our responsibility. We are told to abide in Christ. We are told to keep his commandments. We are told not to quench the Spirit.

Second, the great goal and purpose of our lives revolve around the person of Jesus Christ. If Christ is risen and is indeed God, then our day by day activities, thoughts and actions, must be evaluated in relationship to him as Lord.

Third, sanctification for the Christian is an ongoing process. We believers live between justification and glorification. And until the day arrives that we are taken to heaven or the Lord returns, we are to move forward in progressive sanctification.

Fourth, the goal of all things is the glory of God, and thus true success must always achieve His glory.

Fifth, and finally, this definition, ironically, does include effort. But it does not leave it there. It includes both effort and visible result. And it is not an issue of sinless perfection -- never making a mistake or falling into sin. It is an issue of the heart and of the intention of the soul. A righteous man falls seven times, but by God’s grace he gets up again.

And now, for the encouragement…

If you are Christian, God has given you His Holy Spirit to empower you to victor over sin and live a godly and righteous life. Praise God! And, He calls you to be faithful and to exert yourself mightily in the pursuit of a knowledge of Him and in the manifestation of love for Him through love for others. My encouragement to you today is to evaluate your standard of success and to evaluate the pursuits of your life to see whether they align with a biblical definition of success.

But perhaps you don’t agree with my definition. Fair enough. I would love to hear your definition. Send me an email. It would be great to start a conversation.

I hope my son will be successful in life. If he pursues and loves God, if he tells others about Jesus and the salvation that is to be had in Him, and if he submits in his conscience to the Holy Spirit, he will be successful. But if he does not, even if he is the MVP of a future Super Bowl, he will be a failure. I pray he will succeed.

“I count all things loss for the excellence
of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord,
…that I may gain Christ and be found in Him
that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection….”

Philippians 3:8-10
                                                                    -- Christian Pilet